Environmental Policy

TUMEDEI SPA SPA Environmental Policy
“Caring for the environment, making the difference “

Our environmental policy can be summarized in a practice aimed at safeguarding not only our work environment but also the external environment. Our production cycle is mainly characterized by the production and development of technical rubber articles. The commitment to internal and external environmental protection must involve all employees through the activities listed below:

      • Maintaining an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 standards, ensuring compliance with binding legal requirements and other compliance obligations, collaborating both internally and externally (Customers, public administrations) for the respect of the provisions in a perspective of continuous improvement, protection of the environment, and prevention of pollution.
      • Communication to employees and stakeholders of our environmental policy.
      • Execution of training, information, awareness, training, and involvement of all staff creating a culture of respect for the environment, so that everyone understands at various levels their own environmental responsibilities and takes them into account in the performance of their own work activity.
      • Identification, evaluation, and control of relevant environmental aspects and impacts and programs for their reduction.
      • Judicious use of natural and energy resources.
      • Containment of waste production and encouragement of separate collection with the aim of promoting as much as possible the reuse of the same waste.
      • Promotion of correct environmental management also by suppliers and contractors, sensitizing them, informing them, and supporting them.



    GOALS 2022- 2024 (by 31.12.2024)

        • Number of environmental incidents: 0
        • % of waste recycled: >95%
        • SOLAR ENERGY RECOVERY: 40% (2024)
        • Sustainable mobility: walking, cycling, or public transportation: 10% of employees
        • Meals and vending machines: 95% PLASTIC FREE
        • Separate waste collection: 100% compliant
        • Photocopies and prints: -50% by 12.2023




      To achieve these goals, the Company will provide the necessary and available resources.

      Ala, 15.02.2023                                                                                           Olivier Marin – General Manager